Cook Frozen Dumplings

When my wife Adri was still my girlfriend Adri, she and I spent a number of years living in separate cities. Every other weekend I’d pack up the old Saab to take the trip down from Boston to New York for the weekend. My one task every time I visited? Deliver frozen dumplings.

It’s not that you couldn’t find frozen dumplings in New York, but we had a particular addiction the the ones sold in bags of 50 from Qingdao Garden up on Mass Ave between Cambridge and Arlington. If we were lucky, each bag would last the two weeks between deliveries. My wife has a thing for dumplings and to this day we still keep a stock ready-to-go in the freezer at all times.

Unlike many frozen foods, dumplings survive the trip from freezer to belly remarkably well—they are nearly indistinguishable from fresh-made so long as they’re kept free of freezer burn. Whether you’re stocking your freezer with homemade Chinese dumplings or Japanese dumplings, or using a store-bought brand, you have a hot, tasty snack only a few minutes away.