Cookies With Chickpea

Blend 200 g boiled chickpeas with 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 teaspoon tahini, ½ teaspoon baking powder. It can reach the consistency of dough within 2 minutes. Then add 50 grams of chocolate drops, mix and form a cookie. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

It is also seen in 2018 food and beverage trends that Middle Eastern cuisine will enter more menus all over the world next year, and of course, falafel and hummus made from chickpea flour will add to its reputation. On the one hand, we will meet with unfamiliar uses of chickpeas.

Nowadays, the shelves of supermarkets, especially in America, are full of innovative chickpea snacks. These include ready-made hummus packages flavored with vegetables such as spinach and beetroot, popped chickpea kernels, baked and spiced chickpea chips, gluten-free and protein-filled cookies and crackers made from chickpea flour. Offering many different snacks by baking or frying chickpeas, the brand named Chickpeatos has recently released a product that can replace bread crumbs from chickpeas. It seems that we will see chickpeas on the shelves in many different ways.

There is also the “Aquafaba” type. This is the water in which we cook dried legumes like chickpeas (Aqua: Water Faba: Legume). If you are using ready-made boiled chickpea products, you may want to consider the water in the can. Our elders do not throw out the legume water, they always use it when baking cakes and pastries, and of course they know something. When we whisk this water at high speed, its consistency is very similar to the foam state after whisking the egg white. Chickpea juice, which is used in desserts such as Pavlova and mereng, offers an excellent alternative for those who are allergic to egg white, eat vegan and do not prefer to consume eggs.