Cutest Pancake

Originally I tried to take the batter from my fluffy Japanese pancakes to try to make into pancake balls, but it was an absolute disaster. I think maybe I didn’t let them cook through enough? Anyway, it was a mistake so I went with a more classic pancake recipe but also whipped up the whites separately so that the balls would be a bit fluffier.

They turned out super cute and tasted even better than they looked. What is it about food being balls? Or if you put them on a stick?! I almost died of the cuteness before inhaling them. A note on inhaling though, be careful when you’re eating powdered sugar. Sometimes I get too excited and it whooshes into my through and coughing abounds. Not a good look. Anyway, hope you make these little pancake balls, either as a special breakfast/brunch or even just as regular one when you have some time.