Damaged Hair Care

Continuous processing, washing, dyeing, styling, etc. to the hair. it makes them very tiring. Caring for damaged hair is a bit of a chore. Since you harm them with chemicals, you should not try to collect them with chemical masks or serums. You should leave your hair alone for a few months, just wash it and let it dry on its own. At the same time, you should accelerate the healing process with natural hair masks that you apply every 3-4 days. We strongly recommend that you go to your hairdresser and cut at least 2-3 cm from the ends before detoxing your hair . Now we can move on to explain the hair mask recipes you should apply.


1 ripe avocado

Half a glass of milk

1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil or olive oil

The benefits of avocado are countless. It is a nutrient that provides excellent moisture to both hair and skin. Revitalizes dull and lifeless hair. It treats dry and brittle hair. Using the most mature form of avocado is very important for a mask.

Cut the avocado in half, remove the core, and remove the shell from the peel with a spoon. Mash it up with a fork. After it has a creamy consistency, add milk and oil and mix well. Massage the mask on your scalp and use the remaining mask on your hair ends. After waiting 15 minutes, clean it very well. Since avocado softens the hair very well, you do not need to use conditioner.


1 small bowl of fresh strawberries

1 tablespoon coconut coconut oil

1 tablespoon of honey

Strawberries contain plenty of vitamin C. It regulates the pH test of the hair . It gives shine to the hair. Provides oil control of the scalp. Therefore, it is perfect for quickly oily hair.

After crushing the strawberries with a fork, mix them with other ingredients until homogeneous. Wet your hair, remove the excess water and apply it all over your hair. You can wait at least 15 minutes and rinse. You will love this fragrant hair mask. Again, you do not need to use a conditioner in this mask.

HAIR MASK WITH EGG (For Every Hair Type)

– 1 egg white for oily hair

– 1 egg yolk for dry hair

– For normal hair, both the white and the yolk of 1 egg

The yolk of the egg is the part that contains plenty of protein and nutritious oils. Its white, on the other hand, fights bad bacteria and excess fat.

We recommend that you apply the egg to clean hair so that it can penetrate your scalp well. After shampooing and rinsing your hair, remove the excess water. Apply the whipped egg to all your hair by massaging. After waiting 20 minutes , rinse with cold water. It is very important to use cold water here. If you use hot water, the egg will cook in your hair and it will be difficult to purify. You can shampoo again if you wish.