Deep Dish Pizza

Want to get a glimpse of where Al Capone once hid his bootlegged booze? The Green Mill was Capone’s favorite hangout back in the day, when he’d swirl a cocktail and listen to live jazz. His pal, Machine Gun McGurn, part-owned the club, which was central to their bootlegging operation. If it’s not too busy, ask the bartender to show you the trapdoor behind the bar that leads down to tunnels where they hid the hooch.

The art deco décor hasn’t changed much since the 1920s. Velvet-cushioned booths curve under paintings in florid scrolled frames. Green candles flicker on white-clothed tables, while scalloped ceiling lights add a low yellow glow.

A couple of seasoned bartenders patrol the glossy wood bar that swoops halfway through the room. They’ll shake up a Sidecar or Manhattan or pop open a Pabst for you. But they’re best known for their Martini: a crystal-clear, up-with-two-olives, non-fancy-pants gin bracer.