Delicious Pretzels

It’s Oktoberfest! Which is funny to me because it’s actually September, but I’m not one to argue with soft German pretzels, sausage, and beer. Okay, and truth is, it’s not September anymore.

Anyway, I’ve never been to Munich, where Oktoberfest – the world’s largest beer festival – is held, but one day I’d like to because I have a huge soft (pretzel) shaped spot in my heart for Bavarian food. I especially like pretzels and weisswurst, which, in Germany, go together like bacon and eggs.

Since we don’t have plans to be in Germany anytime soon (thanks covid ☹) we celebrated Oktoberfest at home this year, with homemade pretzels and weisswurst (not pictured). Making pretzels is no quick endeavor with that overnight rise but it’s totally worth it!
The truth is: making pretzels is dead easy.
Unlike some yeast doughs, this one comes together cleanly and smoothy, and rolls out like a charm. There’s beer in the dough too, which makes it doubly perfect for all of your Oktoberfest needs. The hardest part was not eating all of the pretzels in one go. Mike and I shared one, hot and fresh from the oven, then decided to go on a walk so we would be far away from temptation.