Depth Skin Care And Recommendations

All skin types deep cleansing the skin should be done once a month on average on a routine basis to say that it would be appropriate to start at age 18-20 and this suggests that the care of Li.

Oily skin, acne and acne-prone skin skincare, adding that it would be more appropriate to begin any former age. Resulting from the cleaning of the pores of black spots for how you can brush your teeth and then drink tea and coffee, and takes the form pores in the old case.

Clean and although not together, air pollution, nutrition, everything has an impact, keeps the pores clean and the polluted air outside the heat in a black spot for not being able to becoming. A facial once a month to get rid of blackheads is done and all the pores need to be cleaned,” he says.

Aesthetically pleasing in appearance, except in terms of Health emphasizes the importance of cleansing the skin, with advancing age, the skin will wrinkle and skin complaints such as for the Prevention of deformation refers to the importance of cleanliness and maintenance.

Air pollution, UV rays, makeup, cigarettes, it means that the most important external factors that affect our skin. Professional content with the use of skin cleansers are likely to be more appropriate for hygienic reasons, while at home with ingredients that can be prepared with content that preserved in our skin deep clean and hygiene conditions, is the basic source of having a healthy and youthful skin.

Remaining long hours during the day skin makeup, natural skin, deep cleaning of the skin where they will apply once the 20 days remaining dry process less makeup and for 1 month 1 time in the form of those who are close to the skin should be applied.

Attention should be paid to nutrition for healthy skin


Beware! Vitamin in your body starts to produce in sufficient amounts or on your body extra fat and this causes acne. To avoid this, carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and not try to eat foods that contain vitamin A, such as.


Fiber-rich foods are placed on the list of almost any diet. But not just to lose weight, beautify your skin and toxins from your body one of the most effective ways to consume fiber foods. Eat whole grain foods and legumes are abundant fibers.

Vitamin C

All foods that contain vitamin C to help the skin clean and remove toxins. Lettuce, broccoli, strawberries and blackberries are delicious from the store vitamin C that you can add to your shopping list.


If your skin is excessively dry, foods containing omega-3 to consume it. Omega-3 only moisten the skin, but also dinclestirir you also. Omega 3 in salmon and nuts from stores.


Selenium-rich foods to consume and avoid from damage, improves the elasticity of the skin. Brown rice, quinoa and white bread are among the foods that contain selenium rate is also pretty much.


Zinc is the most powerful weapon we can say that to repair damaged skin and fight bacteria. Taking too much zinc zehirleye before you jump hone people, how we should note that it is important. Red meat, liver and kidney beans are foods that contain zinc.


Spinach, almonds, foods that contain plenty of magnesium and halibut. Magnesium is to regulate acne.


Excellent skin esneklestiren silicon is a mineral. Luckily, most nutrient we consume contains silicon; soda, bananas, whole wheat bread, you won’t even believe, but even beer.


Finally, the water! Remember to drink 8 glasses per day. So stereotypical for water can seem. But the water prevents the formation of acne on your skin. Just balances the pH value of your body can produce toxins.