Dietician Recommendations On The Form For New Year

New resolutions, new hopes, new plans, and new stories written we are entering a year. Us slowly even getting hooked on the excitement of the New Year. This year more than ever our way of life pay close attention to quality nutrition and our immune we need to strengthen. Well the New Year healthier always come on the form and what to enter go together.


One – Add vegetables and fruits to your diet


Vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants which are a source of fresh vegetables and add fruit to the diet. At every meal vegetables, soups and salads, your vegetable dishes beetroot, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, carrots, kohlrabi, cabbage, spinach, Brussels sprouts, yams, and Swiss chard do not forget to include colorful vegetables. Thus, both of adequate fiber intake is provided, and you can increase the saturation. Day necessarily within to consume fruit, but 1-2 portions be careful not to exceed. Apple, orange, tangerine, quince, pear, pomegranate and grapefruit is indispensable in winter the fruit is one.


Two – Right carb sources seek


Form you don’t need to cut carbs to stay, there were only know to pick the right resources. White flour, couscous, rice, potatoes, sugar and pasta instead of foods like; full-grain, rye flour and their bread, whole grain pasta, rice, fruit look for desserts made. Of course the healthiest choices, even though each is in the food as such, they also remember portion control!


Three Greasy heavy meals and desserts avoid


This the increase of the time spent at home and the Winter years the month with the arrival of greasy dishes and sweet consumption, especially in the late evening has increased. However, healthier dishes and desserts and that can make it much more delicious. Fries you can make in a toaster oven or oven on the you can add garlic yoghurt and tomato sauce. Sugar for desserts you can take advantage of the fit tariff instead, bananas, molasses, dates, or dried as many Mulberry alternative you can use.


Four – Increase your physical activity


Pandemic along with our level of motion decreased, if our stress level continues to grow with each passing day. But let’s not forget the streets, beaches and forested areas social distance we provide as long as we all are. A week 3-4 days, 30-45 minutes a little walk it will be very good both to your body and your soul, your diet support. Those who go out, or in this process, those who don’t go out on the internet you can find hundreds of thousands of exercise videos appropriate to their level. A type that you will surely love your life you can add.