Different Beauty Understanding at the World

The world is beautiful with its differences, its colors. However, each region has its own sense of beauty. This understanding and the touches of beauty applied afterwards continued to exist even B.C.

For some, beauty is aesthetics, a product for some, a tradition or even a lifestyle in itself. While it’s always a personal concept, beauty actually varies according to where we live. Each culture has its own standard of beauty, which means that someone considered attractive in Hollywood, for example, loses its validity in Africa. Some countries minimize their beauty formulas, while others pay a fortune to look perfect. Here are the understanding of beauty in different countries of the world …
1-Stylish French women
2-The choice of Africans: Plump lines
3-Folds are still very famous in Brazil
4-Dimensions are standard in Venezuela!
5-Wide necklaces symbolizing belonging
6-The whiter Asians are, the more beautiful
7-Tan is a social status in the USA
8-Ethiopians find their scars attractive
9-Red hair and red skin
10-Luxury teeth
11-Beautiful nose is important in Iran