Different Types Of Flour

Spelled wheat flour

Spelled wheat, also known as “spelled” in English, “dinkel” in German, and spelled in our country, was a variety that had been disappearing until recently due to its difficult and low yield. The flour produced from spelled is one of the most healthy flour types. The taste of spelled flour is slightly sweet and the result is soft. If it is used while making dough, it is necessary to add less liquid. The most important reason behind the preference for being rich in protein and low gluten content.

Rice flour

Rice flour, one of the main ingredients of the Far East Cuisine, does not contain gluten. Those looking for a healthy flour alternative especially prefer whole rice flour produced from brown rice. This flour does not contain gluten. Since its taste is nutty, it adds a different flavor to dishes. It can be used in pastries, to give consistency to dishes, sauces and soups.

Coconut flour

Another gluten-free flour is coconut flour. This flour, which is a by-product of coconut milk production, is loaded with protein and fiber. Since coconuts are naturally slightly sweet, it is possible to use less sugar when using this flour. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the number of eggs and the amount of liquid.