Do These For Acne Problems On Your Skin

Vinegar water secretion of excess oil while balancing skin pH also passes in front. Effective in eliminating acne the vinegar by mixing with a drinking water with the help of cotton on your acne every day apply it after it dries you can wash.

Spotty the number one favorite skin tea tree oil. Option which is a natural oil has antibacterial properties. A clean cotton 2-3 after spotty drops of tea tree apply to the region. This oil does not require rinsing you can apply every day.

Spotty skin always a skin that needs extra special attention type. Because of the corona virus outbreak in the House in these days your acne that are in quarantine it is not uncommon for the increase to happen. Home suggestions for getting your acne under control derlerdi will.

Quarantine social isolation from home all day and in the days being stress is increasing in this case cause pimples is happening. Your drinking and eating you in your sleep this affects the situation. Special care for spotty skin at home you need to do.

Lemon excess oil in the skin due to the acid content in the tensile and pimples drying feature. Therefore, the lemon juice and mix it with normal water apply it to your pimples with a cotton Yarm. About You can rinse off after 15 minutes.


Aspirin pass your acne and redness that prevents the property. Crush into powder and you brought up aspirin mixed with a little water bring it to the consistency of putty, then your acne apply it on. You can wash it after 20 minutes


Natural undertaking the task of thoroughly antibiotics garlic mash them. About 15 minutes and apply to the area spotty after you can wash with warm water. Every day when you do the occurrence of acne in the environment rash, we’re going to see too.


Carbonate it is an effective method of curing acne. Water mixed the consistency of the baking soda paste and bring it to your pimples apply it. Apply night and in the morning if you wash more it will be effective. Not every day, 3 times per week you can apply.