Easiest Way To Make Zig Zag Cardigans

With Cocador you will enjoy to learn knitting patterns which is one more beautiful than the other.

Today we’ll look at closer to zig zag cardigans.


Better To Know Abbreviating In Article


Alt Alternate
Beg Beginning
Cont Continue
Cm Centimetre
Cr3L slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave at front

of work, p1, then k2 from cable needle

Cr3R slip next st onto cable needle and leave at back of

work, k2, then p1 from cable needle

dec decreas(e)(ing)
Foll Following
g grams
in inches
inc increas(e)(ing)
k Knit
K2tog Decrease: Knit two stitches together
Kfb Increase: Knit into the front and back of the stitch
Mm Millimetre
P Purl
Patt Pattern
Rep Repeat
RS Right side
Ssk Decrease: Slip the next stitch on the left needle knitwise,

then slip the next stitch on the left needle purlwise.

Take the left needle and knit through the front

of the two slipped stitches on the right needle.


St(s) / St st Stockinette stitch (knit the RS rows and purl the WS rows).
WS Wrong side.
[…] Repeat the sequence between the square brackets

by the number indicated.

(.. sts) instruction indicates the number of stitches after

working the row.

tog together
yrn yarn round needle



To fit age

0 – 3 3 – 6 6 – 12 12 – 18 months

To fit chest

16 18 20 22 in

41 46 51 56 cm




18½ 20¾ 22¾ 25 in

47 53 58 64 cm


8½ 10¼ 11¾ 13½ in

22 26 30 34 cm

Sleeve seam

5 6¼ 7¾ 10¼ in

13 16 20 26 cm



  • 13/4oz/50g balls of Baby DK Prints:
  • 2(2:3:3) balls in Peachy Keen – Dotty
  • Pair of US 3 (3.25mm) knitting needles
  • Pair of US 5 (3.75mm) knitting needles
  • Pair of US 6 (4mm) knitting needles
  • Cable needle
  • 4 × buttons approx ½in/15mm



22 stitches and 30 rows to 4in/10cm measured over reverse

stockinette (stocking) stitch stitch using US 6 (4mm) knitting


Cable panel (13 sts) measures 2in/5 cm wide.



  • Yarn quantities are based on average requirements and

are therefore approximate.

  • Instructions are written using US terminology with

UK terminology given in italics in round brackets ( )


  • Repeat figures in square brackets [ ] the number of times

stated afterwards.

  • Instructions are given for the smallest size, with changes

for the larger sizes given in round brackets ( ) afterwards.

  • Where only one figure is given, this relates to all sizes.
  • Where the figure 0 appears, no stitches, times or rows

are worked for this size.


Cast on 56(62:68:74) sts using US 5 (3.75mm) needles.


1st row (right side) P0(0:0:1), k2(1:0:2), [p2, k2] 2(3:3:3) times,

p1, k2, [p2, k2] 8(8:10:10) times, p1, [k2, p2] 2(3:3:3) times,

k2(1:0:2), p0(0:0:1).


2nd row K0(0:0:1), p2(1:0:2), [k2, p2] 2(3:3:3) times, k1, p2,

[k2, p2] 8(8:10:10) times, K1, [p2, k2] 2(3:3:3) times, p2(1:0:2),



These 2 rows form rib.


Work in rib for 8 rows more, ending with a wrong side row.


Change to US 6 (4mm) needles.


Now work in patt, placing cable panels as follows:


1st row (right side) P4(7:6:9), work next 13 sts as 1st row of

Cable Panel, p22(22:30:30), work next 13 sts as 1st row of

cable panel, p4(7:6:9).


2nd row K4(7:6:9), work next 13 sts as 2nd row of Cable Panel,

k22(22:30:30), work next 13 sts as 2nd row of cable panel,



These 2 rows set the sts – 2 cable panels with rev st st

between panels and at sides.


Keeping sts correct throughout as now set and repeating the

16 row cable panel repeat throughout, cont as follows:


Cont straight until back measures 8½(10¼:11¾:13½)in/

22(26:30:34)cm ending with a wrong side row.


Shape shoulders


Keeping patt correct, bind (cast) off 6(7:7:8) sts at beg of next

2 rows, 6(7:8:8) sts at beg of foll 2 rows, and 7(7:8:9) sts at beg

of foll 2 rows.


Break yarn and leave rem 18(20:22:24) sts on a holder.



Cast on 26(29:32:35) sts using US 5 (3.75mm) needles.


1st row (right side) P0(0:0:1), k2(1:0:2), [p2, k2] 2(3:3:3) times,

p1, k2, [p2, k2] 3(3:4:4) times, k1.


2nd row K1, p2, [k2, p2] 3(3:4:4) times, k1, [p2, k2] 2(3:3:3) times,

p2(1:0:2), k0(0:0:1).


These 2 rows form rib.


Work in rib for 8 rows more, ending with a wrong side row.


Change to US 6 (4mm) needles.


Now work in patt, placing cable panel as follows:


1st row (right side) P4(7:6:9), work next 13 sts as 1st row of

Cable Panel, p9(9:13:13).


2nd row K9(9:13:13), work next 13 sts as 2nd row of Cable

Panel, k4(7:6:9).


These 2 rows set the sts – cable panel with rev st st at sides.


Keeping sts correct throughout as now set and repeating the

16 row cable panel repeat throughout, cont as follows:


Cont straight until left front measures 4¾(6:7:8¼)in/

12(15:18:21)cm ending with a wrong side row.


Shape front slope

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at end of next and foll 1(1:2:2)

alt rows, then on 5(6:6:7) foll 4th rows.

19(21:23:25) sts.

Cont straight until left front matches Back to start of shoulder

shaping, ending with a wrong side row.


Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, bind (cast) off 6(7:7:8) sts at beg of next

row, and 6(7:8:8) sts at beg of foll alt row.


Work 1 row.


Bind (cast) off rem 7(7:8:9) sts.



Cast on 26(29:32:35) sts using US 5 (3.75mm) needles.


1st row (right side) K3, [p2, k2] 3(3:4:4) times, p1, [k2, p2] 2(3:3:3)

times, k2(1:0:2), p0(0:0:1).


2nd row K0(0:0:1), p2(1:0:2), [k2, p2] 2(3:3:3) times, k1, p2,

[k2, p2] 3(3:4:4) times, k1.


These 2 rows form rib.


Work in rib for 8 rows more, ending with a wrong side row.


Change to US 6 (4mm) needles.


Now work in patt, placing cable panel as follows:


1st row (right side) P9(9:13:13), work next 13 sts as 1st row of

Cable Panel, p4(7:6:9).


2nd row K4(7:6:9), work next 13 sts as 2nd row of Cable Panel,



These 2 rows set the sts – cable panel with rev st st at sides.


Keeping sts correct throughout as now set and repeating the


16 row cable panel repeat throughout, cont as follows:


Cont straight until right front measures 4¾(6:7:8¼)in/

12(15:18:21)cm ending with a wrong side row.


Shape front slope

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at beg of next and foll 1(1:2:2)

alt rows, then on 5(6:6:7) foll 4th rows.


19(21:23:25) sts.


Cont straight until right front matches Back to start of

shoulder shaping, ending with a right side row.


Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, bind (cast) off 6(7:7:8) sts at beg of next

row, and 6(7:8:8) sts at beg of foll alt row.

Work 1 row.

Bind (cast) off rem 7(7:8:9) sts.



Cast on 26(30:30:34) sts using US 5 (3.75mm) needles.


1st row (right side) K2, *p2, k2, rep from * to end.


2nd row P2, *k2, p2, rep from * to end.


These 2 rows form rib.


Work in rib for 8 rows more, inc(dec:inc:dec) 1 st at centre of

last row and ending with a wrong side row.


27(29:31:33) sts.


Change to US 6 (4mm) needles.


Beg with a p row, work in rev st st throughout as follows:


Inc 1 st at each end of next(next:3rd:3rd) and every foll

alt(4th:4th:4th) row until there are 33(45:45:37) sts.


For 1st, 3rd and 4th sizes only


Inc 1 st at each end of every foll 4th(6th:6th) row until there

are 41(49:53) sts.


For all sizes

Cont straight until sleeve measures 5(6¼:7¾:10¼in/

13(16:20:26)cm ending with a wrong side row.


Shape top

Bind (cast) off 4(5:6:7) sts at beg of next 4 rows, ending with a

wrong side row.


Bind (cast) off rem 25 sts.



Join both shoulder seams.


With right side facing and using US 3 (3.25mm) needles,

beg and ending at front cast on edges, pick up and knit

27(35:43:51) sts up right front opening edge to beg of front

slope shaping, and 30(33:36:39) sts up right front slope to

shoulder, k across 18(20:22:24) sts on back holder, pick up and

knit 30(33:36:39) sts down left front slope to beg of front slope

shaping, and 27(35:43:51) sts down left front opening edge.


132(156:180:204) sts.


1st row (wrong side) K1, p2, *k2, p2, rep from * to last st, k1.

2nd row K3, *p2, k2, rep from * to last st, k1.


These 2 rows form rib.


Work in rib for 1 row more, ending with a wrong side row.


For a girl

4th row (right side) rib 3, *yrn, work 2 tog (to make a buttonhole),

rib 5(8:10:13), rep from * twice more, yrn, work 2 tog (to make

4th buttonhole), rib to end.


For a boy

4th row (right side) rib to last 26(35:41:50) sts, *work 2 tog,

yrn (to make a buttonhole), rib 5(8:10:13), rep from * twice

more, work 2 tog, yrn (to make 4th buttonhole), rib 3.


For a girl or a boy

Work in rib for a further 3 rows, ending with a wrong side row.

Bind (cast) off in rib.



Do NOT steam press!

Mark points along side seam edges 4(4¼:4¾:5)in/10(11:12:13)cm

either side of shoulder seams, then sew shaped bind off (cast

off) edge of sleeve to back and front between these points.

Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons to correspond

with buttonholes.

Pin out cardigan to measurements given, cover with a clean

damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.