Eat Anchovy With Bone For Health

fish be consumed at least twice a week for a healthy life gerekli. Turkey is a country surrounded by sea on three sides, but had not used much since our preference in fish consumption. Per capita fish consumption in our country is only 6.26 kg. Those who want to have a healthy life and keep their immunity high should consume fish at least twice a week.

Fish has an important place in a healthy and balanced diet, although its benefits are not over, fish consumption in our country is low. According to the data of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; In countries such as the USA, Spain, Australia and New Zealand, there are more than 20 kilograms of fish per person per year. While the world average is 16 kilograms annually, the amount of fish consumed in Iceland is 90 kilograms per person, 75 kilograms in Japan, 26 in the European Union countries and 10 kilograms in Saudi Arabia. 6.26 kilograms of fish consumption in Turkey, according to the 2019 data increases the body resistance to var.

Fish meat contains protein values ​​between 15-25 percent. These proteins contain all essential amino acids necessary for the protection and development of tissues in the body. Due to its low fat content, it is one of the indispensable weight loss diets and helps to keep weight at healthy levels. The fish; It is also a good source of mineral salts such as phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and vitamins A, D, K and B groups. While iodine plays an important role in the development of intelligence of children, vitamin A helps strengthen the immune system and eyesight, increase resistance to diseases, vitamin D helps the development of bone, iron blood production, phosphorus tissue heals, skin bright and hair vibrant.

It meets the body’s vitamin D needs

Studies have shown that high vitamin D levels reduce the risk of infection during the corona days we live, and have a strengthening effect on the immune system. Vitamin D also helps prevent muscle tissue loss caused by inactivity. One of the foods rich in vitamin D is fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Unlike other animal-based foods, fish contains unsaturated fatty acids instead of saturated fat. Omega-3 is an extremely beneficial fatty acid that the body cannot produce and is found mostly in fish. Omega-3 fatty acids provide protection against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases as well as protecting the immune system.

Consume these fish with their fish bones

Fish consumption is important in protecting the immunity against various diseases and meeting the vitamin D, which has an important place in bone and dental health, especially in the winter season when sun exposure is less. When small fish such as sardines and anchovies are eaten with their bones, it also helps you get calcium like dairy products and provides benefits in bone development.

Grilling, steaming and boiling methods should be preferred whenever possible. Raw or undercooked seafood should not be preferred as they have microbial risks. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it should be consumed at least 3-4 times a week for the normal development of the baby and the health of the mother.

Attention while cooking

When the rules of buying, storing, preparing and cooking fish are not observed, it can easily spoil and cause risky health consequences. Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Dr. Faculty Member Ezgi Eylem Fadıloğlu “As much as possible, every fish should be consumed in the season when there is plenty. Fresh fish should not be kept at room temperature too long, they should be put in the refrigerator after cleaning the scales and inside. In this way, it can be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. It can be kept in the freezer for 3-6 months. It is odorless, the acidic odor spreads as it gets stale. The pit should be corrected at the time. Stale fish leave this trace, “he warned.