Eat Fiber Food

The ratio of fiber in the foods we consume is also an issue that needs attention. Beta glucan, one of the important factors that strengthen immunity, is found in fiber foods. Whole grain foods are one of the products recommended for consumption in terms of high fiber content. However, grains contain gluten; If you have gluten intolerance, you may prefer to consume high fiber oats.

Vitamin D
It was understood that the amount of vitamin D in the body is very important in terms of how quickly we can recover if the virus enters the body. For this reason, it is recommended that everyone check the vitamin D in the blood under the supervision of a doctor and supplement it if it is missing. In the summer months, standing in the sun with a naked body without applying a protection cream increases vitamin D, but now that we are entering the winter, if the vitamin D level in your blood is not at the desired point, external supplementation is recommended.

Foods containing antioxidants strengthen our immunity with their stress-reducing effects. They are especially rich in dark red-purple foods (blueberries, purple carrots, beets), spinach, beans, cabbage, walnuts, raspberries, strawberries, artichokes, and antioxidants.

Spices and fresh herbs
Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, chili peppers, thyme, mint and rosemary strengthen immunity and protect our body against the virus with their antiviral properties.