Economic Recipes in Digital Platform

Cooking with recipes that give millions in a once-watched channels like Suat Durmus, “I gave the recipe according to Turkey’s economic conditions. I cook every meal. Great chefs don’t do this. They cannot explain it in a language the public understands. For example, I’m in favor of doing whatever is in people’s homes. But the chefs are doing this: ya There is a dish called salmon on a bed of granite spinach. The weight of the anchovy is 35 TL, so where should he find the salmon and turn the spinach into granite? What am I doing? For example, there is something called ‘Chicken in Salt’. If you go today, they get 300 Lira in a restaurant. I cooked salt chicken at home. It was 25 lira then, now it was 40 lira. So I showed you that what you ate for 300 liras can be done with 40 liras. That’s why my channel has become very popular, ”he said. Durmuş underlined that give recipes always considering the economic conditions in Turkey, “the Turkish people loved me so. “I did not give the recipe for the dishes that you cannot even name.”

“Very bad things are done for rating in MasterChef programme”

Stating that everything done on television is done with the concern of rating, Suat Durmuş said, “Programs like MasterChef are made with anxiety because it is known that they will end if they do not get ratings. When I watch it, I see very clearly that everyone in MasterChef competes very differently than they do in normal life. So the A character there is not such a man in his daily life. He struggles to be noticed there. ‘I have found the opportunity of my life right now. I am on a well watched program and here people exhibit actions and attitudes that are not in themselves, “How much can people notice me?” This sometimes causes nonsense, ”he said. Stating that he was also very uncomfortable with the attitudes in the program, Durmuş said, “Isn’t there a lot of shouting and calling? Very bad things are done for the sake of ratings. The chefs there are not such men in their real lives. But the programs they have shot in cities recently are very positive, very good things. Recently, they took Bursa and Maraş. These are nice.” said.