Economic Recipes In Pandemic Period

While the rate of consumers reviewing the social media accounts of the restaurants they will go to is remarkable, one in three people checked the social media account of the business they will visit. This rate, which was 26 percent in July, rose to 33 percent in August. The rate of viewing websites has likewise increased from 24 percent to 29 percent. This once again revealed that businesses should be a part of digitalization by creating their own web pages.
The most important measures for hotels in August were: Cleanliness (69%), measures taken in hotel rooms (53%), and importance taken in hotel restaurants (47%). Other measures that consumers pay attention to are as follows: staff (46%), beach (45%), entrance (44%), poolside (41%), reception (37%), lobby (37%), elevators (29%). ), transportation to the hotel / parking lot (28%), room service (26%), common areas (26%), public toilets (24%), corridors (23%), playground (20%).
In the period of August 2020, there was an increase in restaurant visits after the Kovid-19 outbreak. In Kovid-19, the rate of those who visited a restaurant in July was 63%, while this rate increased to 78% in August.
“We continue to work on product development based on these results.”