Establish A Focal Point

“Make the table the center of attention, so that your dinner companions are the main focus. When the dining table is the focal point of the space, guests will feel more compelled to take a seat and communicate with one another. Once the table is situated, arrange all other furnishings and accessories so that they complement this focal point.


Design a space that draws intrigue and promotes conversation among guests, whether it’s with unique artwork, bold wallpaper, or custom furnishings. “Consider what is going to spark great conversation. “The uniqueness of this room partly comes from how we handled the faceted ceiling.” The team uniquely arranged paneling on the ceiling, adding texture and color to the space.


A one-of-a-kind dining room makes a statement and leaves a lasting impression, but it should also evoke conversation and represent the personality of the homeowner. The color palette, artwork, or accessories in a space can reveal information about the homeowner, giving guests a more personalized dining experience. “Use your hobbies or interests as a guide to creating your unique space. “Anything that brings you joy can be placed on your walls.”

“Whenever possible, make aesthetic connections and personal references. A bold color palette in this dining room matches the bubbly, colorful personality of its owner. “We couldn’t resist using the multicolored bubbles-within-bubbles as a freeform, and a playful light fixture to round out the room,” she adds. Finally, every dining chair has been upholstered in a different color, and guests are encouraged to select the chair that best fits their character.