Expensive Foods Diary

The Second Most Expensive Food in the World
Truffle mushroom, which is included in special menus in world cuisines, is known as “food of kings” in gastronomy circles. It is in the top three among the most expensive foods of truffles, which has a long history in world history. The truffle, which has 70 varieties, is the hardest to grow. 45% of this mushroom is provided by France, 35% by Spain and 20% by Italy. In France alone, 20,000 people earn their living from these mushrooms. The newly launched production in some farms in nature are grown together their case in Turkey. It is fragrant mushroom and its scent has a unique calling. The reason why it is the world’s most famous mushroom variety today is that it is the world’s most expensive food after caviar. How is truffle mushroom grown?
Truffles like potatoes grow underground and on tree roots, especially near the roots of oak and chestnut trees, 5 to 20 cm below the ground. The reason it chooses places close to tree roots is that it absorbs the roots and provides the sugar and organic acids it needs. Truffle mushrooms need a delicate natural balance during their development, and summer showers are ideal as they provide adequate moisture. The very dry summer months cause the truffle to dry out. Since it grows underground, it cannot be seen from the surface and requires special expertise to collect truffles. In fact, dogs and pigs that have been specially trained for their ability to smell are used for this.

Truffle mushroom is popular for its price as well as its delicious. Which type is the most expensive?
Although Black Truffle Mushroom is referred to as Black Diamond, it is the most expensive mushroom in the world due to its scarcity. It resembles a potato in appearance and color and has an intense scent. How to consume truffle mushrooms?
The best way to consume white truffle and get your money’s worth is to eat it without cooking. We recommend slicing white truffle on pasta or risotton. The aroma of truffles, the size of a walnut and an average weight of 100 grams, gives the most intense taste when fresh. Truffle should be used fresh, as it loses its aroma and water over time. It is recommended to consume truffles within five days of harvesting to get a taste worth the price of such an expensive food.