Fast Hair Growth Methods

Our hair grows an average of 1.25 cm per month. However, there are times when we all want our hair to grow faster. Sometimes we ca n’t wait for our short hair to get longer to fix a wrong cut, or to give it another shape . We can help our hair grow faster by being more careful during the care of our hair and paying attention to the foods we consume.

Avoid chemical treatments.

In the hair dyes we all use, holes are drilled in our hair to allow the dye to penetrate our hair and the body of our hair is filled with this dye. As a result of this process, we slow down the nutrition of our hair and the continuous support of this nutrition. For this reason, avoiding chemical substances and using natural ways while changing the color or shape of our hair will prevent slow growth even if it does not help us to grow it.


Avoid hair stylers 

Our hair is fed from our scalp. The hair stylers we use not only cause the hair follicles to clog and cause the growth of our hair to slow down, they also cause hair loss. Hair styling should be applied to the body and ends of the hair. Do not neglect to carefully follow the instructions for use on many products.


Attention to anemia and iron deficiency!

Our hair is fed from blood through the capillaries in our hair follicles. For this reason, anemia is one of the biggest obstacles to hair growth . In addition, if we change our eating habits and consume the two most important needs of our hair , Iron and Keratin , we ensure that our hair is both healthy and voluminous. This means that we grow our hair fast . If you have anemia, you should consult your doctor. However, it is known that the following foods are important for increasing blood production in the body.





Chicken livers

Red meat

Consume Foods Containing Iron

Iron mineral is one of the most important substances in the nourishment of our hair. Here are some foods rich in iron


Black chocolate



Pumpkin seeds




Red meat

Chicken livers

Eat a keratin -rich diet

Our hair is already made of keratin just like our nails . Keratin is a vital requirement of many living things and is found naturally in many animals and plants. The most known keratin stores are:


Red meat









Drink plenty of water

Drinking water is good for your health in many ways.

When you drink water, your metabolism accelerates, your body produces more blood, and consume plenty of water, our vital fluid .

Don’t shampoo your hair too often

It is important to keep your hair clean, but if you use too much shampoo to cause it to dry, you will have unhealthy hair. If you shower every day, use shampoo only once per shower. Thus , if you have a hairstyle you use, you can style it faster.


Do not neglect to cure with Nourishing Oils.

If you cure once a week with nourishing oils, your hair will look healthy and grow faster. The healthiest oils known for hair; If your hair is short, you will definitely see the benefit of the cure.

Jojoba oil, olive oil, argan oil.