Feng Shui Tips for a Good House Floor Plan

If you’re looking for a new home, renting or buying, apartment or house, or even for your existing home, here are some feng shui tips for a good house floor plan.

The Entry

The entry is your face to the world in feng shui philosophy. Unless you’re looking for a hideaway as a retiree, you want to find a home that has a clear easy-to-find entry. Just think about the first time you approached your home. Was it easy to find the front door? Does the doorbell work? It is clean and well lit? These are key factors to the feng shui of your home.

It’s best if there’s an easy-to-follow path from the street to the front door. That the front door and entry foyer is open and spacious. This way you can attract the best opportunities and they have a place to gather and collect. 

Here are some guidelines for the entry foyer. Avoid having a wall or stairs less than six feet away from the entry door. There should be enough light in this space (so even a change to a brighter bulb can help). Also, avoid homes with another door or a large window directly across from the front door. The qi (life force energy) just goes straight out of the house with this sort of configuration.