Final Methods In The Treatment Of Stretch Marks

  • Cracks are actually tears in the elastic tissue of the skin as a result of excessive stretching of the skin. The skin cannot keep up with the growth rate of other structures such as subcutaneous muscle, bone, adipose tissue, and when it cannot stretch sufficiently, the tissue is damaged. These lines, which can be thick or thin, in a color between red and purple when they are first formed, acquire a pearlescent white color as they age over time. Cracks, which are mostly seen in the abdomen, hips, thighs and breasts, are caused by rapid growth, shape or excessive weight changes in body areas. For example, in adolescence, neck elongation occurs in the breasts, hips and hips during the feminine shape of the body, while it occurs more in the abdomen during pregnancy.
  • Many factors are effective in crack formation. While some women who are genetically lucky do not have a single crack in any period of their life, some unlucky women may develop stretch marks even with 4-5 kilograms of weight changes. Generally, fair-skinned and dry-skinned women are more prone to cracking.
  • Unfortunately, today there is no miracle cure that can completely reset and eliminate cracks that have already formed. The best crack is the crack that has not yet formed, that is, it must be prevented before cracks occur, with various measures and persistent care.

Small precautions that can be taken to prevent possible cracks, especially during risky periods, can be listed as follows:

  • Drink plenty of water; A moist skin will stretch more easily.
  • Play sports; increase your body’s stretching capacity.
  • Eat healthy; Do not miss foods rich in vitamins A, C, E and omega 3 from your meals.
  • Make sure to moisturize your skin; Oils and daily moisturizing creams used after showering will increase the skin’s stretching capacity.
  • Try not to gain or lose weight fast and intensely.
  • Use a good anti-crack cream during pregnancy.