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What is common among them all is that they were born out of a passion for food. Without a doubt, the world is a better place now they are in it – and definitely a more delicious one.

You might think food blogging is an easy, free time hobby, but creating such informative, visual treats is no easy task. In fact, it is an art (most of the time, anyway), and, as with any serious art, it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Any cook who wants to give their recipes a twist that stands out needs not only culinary expertise but also a talent for photography (an image speaks a thousand words, remember) and the art of a wordsmith.

And that’s only the basics. Food blogging today takes culinary stories to a whole new level, covering much more than delectable recipes: food travel, product placement, ‘brave’ kitchen experiments, introducing new restaurants. So demanding is it that some famous food bloggers have become the new connoisseurs of the culinary world, with invites to critique some of the best and hottest places to eat around the world.

From the humble platform for sharing recipes, food blogging has become highly competitive. Some bloggers have managed to build productive businesses out of their passion for food, and they come from around the world.