First Digital Gastronomy Festival Of Turkey

The 4th International Adana Taste Festival made a magnificent final with a delicious program on Sunday, October 11th. All over the world, and due to the outbreak of coronavirus, which is effective in Turkey’s Adana Governorship theme of the festival, which was hosted digital this year, “the island with Inspiring All Colors” y. The 4th Adana Taste Festival, which witnessed colorful scenes for 3 days with culinary workshops, gastro shows, tasting sessions, interviews, stories of the leading flavor brands of the city without a physical meeting, crossed the borders of Adana and met with large masses in the digital world. Steven Raichlen greeted “Adana, the Land of Meat” from the other side of the world. The festival, where special guests were hosted, street by street Adana flavors were discovered, and we witnessed the stories of the city’s centuries-old plane trees, the festival brought together many world-famous special guests with festival lovers. One of the world’s most famous meat experts, American chef, writer and television star Steven Raichlen, who is the first name that comes to mind when meat and barbecue is mentioned, greeted “The Land of Meat Adana” from Miami, USA. The author of more than thirty books on the grid, in many countries, from Japan to the United States television shows that aired Raichle, he said he visited Turkey many times and loved Turkey, he said.