Flat Pancakes

There are two culprits for flat pancakes: your meringue wasn’t strong enough or you over mixed the meringue and egg yolk batter. The meringue is key to making fluffy pancakes so make sure that they hold a stiff peak. Over mixing can lead to deflating the pancakes as well, so do a gentle scoop and fold motion when mixing together the whites and yolks.

Why are my pancakes fluffy then deflate?

All soufflés deflate eventually. The reason why soufflés are so fluffy is the hot air that’s trapped inside. When soufflés cool down, the hot air inside escapes, leaving your pancakes less fluffy. Unfortunately there’s no beating science. The key is eating them right away!
How do I whip the egg whites?

Make sure your utensils are COMPLETELY clean and there is absolutely no oil or fat residue on your whisk or bowl. If you break your yolks as your separating the eggs the whites won’t whip up. Use a stainless steel or glass bowl and make sure it’s completely clean. Don’t use silicone or plastic bowls or utensils – even when they seem clean, there’s a possibility of oily residue that will make it hard for your eggs to whip up properly. Whipping egg whites takes time, so don’t be surprised if it takes a while for them to whip up.