Flower Care On The Balcony

Do you spend a lot of time at home? Well, you have an apartment with a balcony. Then the best way to enjoy the beautiful weather, balconies is by equipping it with flowers! With inspiration from the suggestions interior designers, balcony flowers and decorative objects you dream with decorating your balcony can be enjoyed.

Decoration Of The Balcony, According To The Terms

When it comes to plant selection, you shouldn’t forget to consider the terms of the balcony. Wind, dust, and protected against the cold weather, which is a glassed if you have a balcony, you can grow plants and flowers of the four seasons. Spacious and sunny, open balcony, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, vegetables such as; geranium, hibiscus, such as balcony plants, you can grow dwarf fruit trees and even. If you have a balcony, more exposed to the wind, you can place tall plants that will also block the wind or wind armor you can choose. If you have a balcony does not get much light, white walls you can paint. White walls and plants receive more light reflector acts as he will.

Positioning of pots and plants

To narrow the space limitation on the balconies minor accidents may occur. To avoid this, place on the coffee table or small pots of positions you should avoid. As an alternative to the potted apparatus can be fixed to walls that you can think of. Footed flower pots you can put in the corner or the remaining fields. Sukulent and Fern planters hanging from the ceiling with sarkitabi types of plants such as you can.


The exterior of the 2021 trends

Outdoor wall panels are among the trends this year are listed on colored pots! Another decorating trend bamboo separators. Bamboo can create shadow areas along the edges of the balcony and on the balcony, placing separators both the integrity of the design you can make. Again 2021 trends situated between the textured stone and brick walls also will add a stylish touch to the space.


Correct Plant Selection

The details such as the selection of pot and soil, as well as the right conditions for plants to grow up in a balcony is also quite important. For example, a plant that does not like the light of the sun and if you bought the balcony gets a lot of sun, you might not succeed in raising the plant in a healthy way. Therefore, you need to recognize the plants and choose accordingly. The very Sun of the balcony if it does not exist, the shadow rose seven forest areas, Sycamore snowball, you can grow crops such as lesser periwinkle, and you can feel the freshness of spring, you can have a balcony.