For Everyday 3 Things That Are Dirtier Than a Toilet

While we are adamant about washing our hands and sanitizing ourselves after using the toilet, many of us don’t realize that there are plenty of things around the house that harbor just as many germs and bacteria. In fact, there are quite a few items that have even more bacteria than a toilet because we don’t realize how dirty they are and therefore don’t clean them as often.

Take a look at these eight things around your house that could be making you sick and be prepared to grab some cleaning supplies.


Even if you never take your cellphone into the bathroom for a little toilet time scrolling, it is still covered with the bacteria from everything else you touch and every surface it touches.

Cleaning is very simple with the right supplies: a bit of rubbing alcohol, distilled water, and a microfiber lint-free cloth. While you’re cleaning, don’t forget to clean your earbuds and other accessories.

  • Keyboards and Remote Controls


How many times each day do you touch your laptop keyboard or the remote controls for the television, game systems, or even ceiling fans? Just like your phone, they harbor the germs from every hand that’s touched it.

Cleaning is easy if you use a disinfectant wipe made for electronics. This should be done at least daily and more often if someone in the household has a virus or infection.

  • Bathroom Doorknobs

Does everyone in your house wash their hands faithfully each time they use the bathroom, sneeze, or prepare food? Probably not.

It’s not just the bathroom doorknob that teems with bacteria or is virus-laden, it’s all the doorknobs, handles, light switches, and electronic keypads around the house. A quick wipe down with a disinfectant wipe will take care of the problem. Be sure to use one wipe per room. One wipe won’t disinfect an entire house full of knobs!