For Sensitive Skin Care Advice

Sensitive skin heat, cold, and more are influenced by external factors. Fortunately, with the right skin care products and applications you can prevent problems that occur due to sensitivity. These maintenance suggestions to keep in mind for sensitive and dry skin…

1 – Wash at a high temperature while water use

Even the dryness of the skin, enhancing the effect of a 10-minute bath did you know that? If you have sensitive and dry skin structure, especially during the winter months and keep the bath water short in duration between 36-40 degrees maximum you should use. Cleaning the face at a much lower temperature in the warm water you should choose.

2 – room temperature set between 21-25 degrees

Almost 24 hours in the house when we are in this time, our skin is drying out why? The answer to this question curious ‘humidity’. I try to heat up the indoor environment, we are reducing the humidity. Keep the room temperature between 21 and 25 degrees for skin health and the humidity between 30 to 50 percent between the set is important. Your location several times a day, during daylight hours on low air pollution ventilate the room. Also a room thermometer using temperature and humidity ideal setting, you can do better.

3 – Select the product according to your skin type, and not necessarily

The biggest problem of sensitive and dry skin, the heat, the cold, the wind, in short, is affected from external factors and weather conditions very quickly, providing your skin the protection it needs… therefore you should choose the right products and care. The products you choose should have both soothing and nourishing characteristics. Thus, you can prevent problems such as redness.

4 – choose products with natural ingredients

Skin type that reacts the most to the chemical content, of course, also… that you use skin care products sensitive skin types paraben, silicone, aluminum, alcohol, nanoparticles, petrochemicals, perfumes and colorants, you must be sure that it does not contain.

5 – go to the front of wrinkles with products that contain vitamins and minerals

Much more sensitive than normal skin and dry skin is stretched and then washed in weather changes. Therefore, when it is not properly moisturized, even at an early age, wrinkles appear.

6 – non-drying use a skin cleanser

Clean your skin twice a day morning and evening makeup, even if you should. Oil and dirt from your skin while cleansing strictly non-drying cleanser skin, you should choose. Otherwise, your skin will hassaslasaca a lot more.

7 – Calming face cream

After cleaning the skin, the moisture of your skin by using a facial cream with sedative properties it needs to provide the most accurate way. Thus, redness, tightness and you will not experience problems such as itching.

8 – don’t neglect to maintain the eye area

Because your facial skin is sensitive and dry lines often stretched and in a short time can turn even deeper into the line may be aging.

9 – apply body lotion after a bath in the first 5 minutes

One other point to be careful about taking care of dry and sensitive skin after the bath to moisturize the entire body in the first 5 minutes.

10 – include these foods in your diet

Thanks to the lycopene, beta carotene and orange foods, red foods, they show a high degree of antioxidant properties. With winter fruits including apples, oranges, and pomegranates add to your daily diet. In the summer, forest fruits such as blackberries enjoy! The village also leafy vegetables in terms of antioxidant properties Yesil, coconut and avocado that gives shine and moisture to the skin such as it would be beneficial to consume the nutrients. Moisturize your skin from the inside to make it a habit to drink 2 liters of water per day on average.