For The Maintenance Of The Winter Garden Rule Of Thumb

A all year round garden maintenance hear, and you spend more during the cold months the effort will go a long way, come spring…

Winter in the months you give your garden a real chance to five steps you can take to ensure are given below.

  • Take good care of your lawn

Lawn winter maintenance of growth in the season lawn to be lush and Yesil will provide. During the winter months grass your soil there is a risk of jamming, this water not reaching the roots of the grass and potentially means that can accumulate.

Our proposal water the soil to reach the roots is to ventilate. Smaller lawns a pitchfork can be used, but larger an efficient lawn equipment rental service lawn aerator requires .

Other an option, coarse sand or the grass with Tina is graced. If the pond persists, damage to the grass that will break the soil without a wetting the hose material select.

Winter feed and fertilizer your lawn in the months make sure you limit. Cold in the air is not much growth, so your lawn does not require extra nutrients.

Last as the weeds to your lawn in the winter notice. Ensure the return of weeds an important clue, the rains then I want them to combine. Hurt the grass stubborn like weeds in bindis to give important is to use.

  • Dip With Mulch

In your garden to prevent the explosion of weeds try malclama winter. This same action it may be helpful to the soil at the time. Garden corrupted over time to feed your beds try using organic mulch. The ideal time to malclamak after the rain, instead of leaving the roots to revive you can pull out the weeds from the roots time.


Usually rainy weather, resulting in watch out for snails and slugs. This insects and your garden is a disaster for them the best way to destroy than 10 mm of the soil by hand or the above is to put less beer on a tray. Snails and slugs in the beer are drawn to Maya, but at the same time when they got to him they will drown.

Malclamak after the rain, ideal time to, you feeling rejuvenated from the roots to the roots instead of leaving it in place you can pull out the weeds time.

  • Prune the bushes and trees

Winter many trees and bushes to prune ideal for the time. Avoid pruning too early aim for the moon and pruning before August wait for the plants to die.

Winter at the end, or in the early spring blooming avoid pruning the flowers. Most best, pruning is not to cause more harm than good before you do plant to investigate.

With this together, you can cut back the dead branches. August until the moon unless can budanab roses in the month of July.

Winter flowering plants, flower to open and to stay healthy between the rain to help requires fertilization and irrigation.

Winter flowering plants to perk you up if you want in the spring, and you do in the beginning of the summer make sure.


  • Plant a winter vegetable garden

Now vegetables planting, the end of the winter or spring of mean they’d be ready until the beginning it will come. With a sufficient amount of the winter sun select field, because winter vegetables to germinate, to grow and thrive are in need of some warmth.


Winter the temperatures of the best vegetables for profit peas, fava beans, English spinach, Yesil beans and peas was also suggested. More soft, if you live in subtropical regions, broccoli, lettuce, onion, radish, shallot, spinach, green onions, turnips and a wide variety of such as you have options.


Pesticide to prevent garden pests without using a good way to avoid harmful toxins your vegetables to October and the accompanying pesticides are organic.


Winter the temperatures of the best vegetables for profit peas, fava beans, English spinach, Yesil beans and peas was also suggested.


  • Add some winter color

Pots sew the winter crops to your garden in winter it will add beauty. A few plants in the winter flowers and nurseries can be found in (I prefer blooming plants that already). Them replenishes carefully planted and fertilized in a sunny place in the case hold.


Yet winter flowers or vegetables in your garden stand up if you didn’t, the next best time to plant them the beginning of autumn.


Winter there are many other plants growing in your area and the key it is important to know which is unfolded. Local nursery this season, in which plants grow the best will be able to notify you.


Your garden in the winter if you keep in the spring and summer you will develop the.