Frozen Mexican Food

Freezer Burritos
Chicken Freezer Burritos are your answer to a quick, family-friendly weeknight meal! They’re easy to make and delicious (when reheated correctly!). Here’s everything you need to know about how to make freezer burritos you’ll actually want to eat!
There’s the dream of freezer burritos, and then there is the reality of freezer burritos. So many freezer burritos end up being a disappointment, but with the right combination of fillings and the ideal reheating method, you actually can make pretty darn good freezer burritos that will make for a quick and easy weeknight dinner later on.

Of course, it remains to be seen if little kids (like mine) will actually eat a burrito. If they don’t, then they might have to find a different house to live in. (Kidding, kidding!)

So, go on and cancel that Chipotle delivery, and let’s learn how to make the best burrito filling, wrap those burritos tightly, freeze them well, and reheat them into delicious meals!