Fruit Crumble

This crumble may be my go-to dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner all winter. it’s just so delicious and so wonderfully quick and easy to make, plus the leftovers seem to get more and more amazing as each hour goes by!

For the topping
1 and a 1/2 cups of oats (180g)
1 cup of almonds (200g)
1/3 of a cup of pure maple syrup (100ml)
3 heaped tablespoons of coconut oil
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
For the fruit layer
6 red apples
2 cups of blackberries (400g)
1 tablespoon of maple syrup (optional)
1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon
start by making the crumble layer. simply place the almonds in a food processor and blend for a few minutes until a flour forms, then add this flour to a mixing bowl with the oats. next place the coconut oil, maple syrup and cinnamon in a saucepan and gently heat until the coconut has melted and everything has mixed nicely – pour this over the oaty almond mixture and stir well until all the dry ingredients are coated with the maple mix. then leave this bowl to one side.