Full-Coverage Makeup Light

Summer skin your makeup or as intense formula will give your skin care routine to let go the weight of the products that’s it. We have compiled tips that you can apply for a more natural look light and spacious.

Thin Camouflage

Intense and full-coverage formula in a hot climate, rather than to give a light coverage to the skin, slim products prefer. BB creams and tinted moisturisers for this period is a very good option. If you want to buy a new product you can mix your foundation with your moisturizer or oil if you don’t care.

Dot Pitch

While your foundation under your eyes shed your light, do not make an extreme application. The inner and outer corners of the eye, such as by using a small amount to get the optimum product kapaticilig some areas in need of enlightenment.

Summer Glow

To a lot of summer sparkle makeup that suits you. However, you can avoid an exaggerated view more for a look that shines from within wet or liquid/cream products you prefer. You can mix it with your foundation for a Healthy Glow Illuminator turn the short way.

Powder-Free Opacity

We’re trying to stay away from light summer makeup powder products. However if you have oily skin or if you prefer a matte look, without the use of powder to avoid glare of the product. turning to Matting liquid formulas, that will help you with some makeup or an oil absorbent paper options.

Cream Blush

More natural, dewy glow on the skin that leaves the skin texture with a cream blush formulas and compatible with the view of the summer is one of the makeup. Our choice for the season’s beauty trends tracking and more youthful effect on the side of the pink shades.


Without ceremony gaze clarify, and it’s a great way to shape tightlining. Coffee or black eyeliner top eyelashes that you can apply to your eyes with a pencil you can draw the image without the attention. However, we have a little note: for this method, water-resistant, make sure to use products.

Prominent Eyelashes

This is all the makeup you tons of natural light while you’re in harmony don’t look to your lashes. DUO eyelash curler and mascara makeup transparent is one of summer favorites. You can use brown mascara if your lashes a little more if it needs to be evident.

Spacious Lips

Lip makeup should accompany your summer freshness into your beauty. Transparent formulas, formulas that you can prefer between a balm and comes tint. The lips of both maintenance and colorizes with these products, you shoot two birds with one stone.