
Tsukemen might not be my favorite kind of ramen, but when you go to Gachi, you definitely want to have the chicken karaage tsukemen. I have a very obvious thing for fried chicken and I’m crazy for noodles, so when Mike discovered this ramen joint that combined two of my loves, it was totally love at first sight. The fried chicken is karaage style, with a thin crispy batter. It comes with seaweed (of course), a perfectly soft-boiled egg, deep fried bamboo shoots and a wedge of lemon. The noodles were nothing spectacular, but the combination of cold noodles, hot dipping broth, and crunchy fried chicken is something I still dream about. It’s a good bowl of noodles.
Whew! Did you make it?! I have to admit, it took me weeks to write this, on and off. But now it’s done!! Woot! I hope you guys make it out to Tokyo. It’s absolutely one of my favorite cities in the world.

PS – If you made it all the way to the end, we need to grab a bowl of ramen together!