Garden Needs Some Taking Care For This Winter

Add flowering legumes…

If you haven’t planted snow peas, peas or even 2000, then winter at a great time to give them a chance. They produce a magnificent image of delicate flowers that love the cold moons. Bakla plants bloom from late winter to early spring, depending on your climate.

Add flowers…

Consider planting edible flowers to suit your climate and enjoy the colorful flower and its taste in winter. We love nasturtiums, lavender and marigolds. Your meals can also behave like the flowers that accompany you, which helps your dining garden defend and protect against pests.

Don’t forget your greens…

Don’t forget your greens because it’s a garden. You can grow wonderful leafy greens at this time of year, which will revitalize your garden. Some of my favorites include Swiss chard or silver beets, cabbage, black cabbage and Asian greens. They all love the cool weather and make your garden look lush and plentiful.

Get coloring…

A project that is high on my list this winter is a colourful road around my dining garden. I was busy painting the stones so we could create a color path that is bright, fun and will keep the weeds out. When the paint is finished, add some color to a birdhouse or terracotta containers. Ideas are endless!

Add a bee paradise…

Encourage bees to enter your garden by creating a bee paradise. Add some colorful flowers and have the children decorate your bee’s house and take it to the next level.