Garlic Mushroom

Are you looking for a plate of comfort right about now? Have you’ve been obsessively googling how to start a sourdough starter? My little starter is happily bubbling away on the counter, just waiting for me to make a loaf. I love baking bread (even if my bread making skills are severely lacking) but sometimes I need comfort immediately, which means a big ol’ plate of sautéed mushrooms.I get it, I get it, sautéed mushrooms are a weird comfort food. Usually when I think of comfort food I think about mashed potatoes or noodles. Trust me, I’ve been having dreams of mashed potatoes but potatoes seem to be in short supply these days. As for noodles, I’ve definitely been eating lots of those. But sometimes, buttery, garlicky, sautéed mushrooms are just what I want.They’re meaty, they take on a gloriously deep sear, and are just SO full of umami. I know a lot of mushroom haters out there and I’ll just never ever understand. How could you not like FLAVOR?! This is a recipe for the simplistic most basic garlicky buttery seared mushrooms because I know we can use recipes that use the least amount of ingredients right now.