Get Your Skin Ready For Fall!

When autumn comes, I have a situation everybody worrying and puzzling: how will be affected by the cold air on my skin and my hair? In this regard, we have compiled useful nutrition and focused on care solutions, we are sharing with you.

Water-based Day Cream…it’s time to say goodbye to
water-based daytime creams is the right choice for the summer months. However, the cold weather dry out your skin in the daytime are more inclined to start using that oil-based creams. At least two times per day, morning and evening cream will protect your skin that you can apply. How is protecting us from clothes, creams protects our skin…

Deep hydration
Your skin is damp, or layer under your skin becomes saturated with moisture means. Regardless of your skin type, moisture, and never give up. Mask for deep hydration that you can benefit from. Yes, that well known method really works: Honey Mask. Apply a thin layer of honey to your face clean, wash with warm water after 10 minutes. Thank you Bees for honey, which is a very good moisturizer.

In the name of the peeling strength
As we enter the fall, the summer, do not forget to remove everything that’s left from your skin. Peeling select one of various ways, and often make the specific application. Clay Mask, steam and peeling, chemical peels… so… there are many methods to select the one that suits you, and don’t neglect the deep cleaning.

Vitamin C skin and the love of
Vitamin C quickly from air and light are affected. Even so we give you a bottle of vitamin C serum storage is difficult. Then we will consume plenty of foods that contain vitamin C. Orange, grapefruit, Yesil peppers, broccoli, kiwi, lemon, let it be a sine qua non of your life. Regular consumption of vitamin C will definitely help your skin shine.

More water
Two litres of water per day, vegetables and plenty of fruit juice, tea and less coffee. That’s it… the juice is the rule of your life. 2-3 slices of lemon, even your water bottle can also add vitamin C. The moisture in the skin layer makes drinking water much better. Remember, our body is three-quarters of the water!