Goat Milk Caramel

This simple dessert showcases the rich flavor of sweet plantain. Extremely ripe (almost black) plantains are combined with brown or muscovado sugar, water, clove, cinnamon, and lemon juice and simmered until the sugar transforms into syrup. The result is a soft, stewed-down sweet banana that takes on the spicy flavors of the clove and cinnamon. It’s then served on its own, or with a soft white cheese.

Helado: ArgentinaArgentines can’t get enough helado, and you’ll find a heladería on almost every corner. It’s closer to gelato in texture than American ice cream, and it’s usually made with all fresh ingredients. For a first-timer, an order of dulce de leche and chocolate is the way to go. But on your second helado of the day, try sambayón (Argentina’s take on Italian zabaglione, a custard tinged with sweet wine) and frutos del bosque (mixed berry, often raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, and red currant).

Ice cream delivery is particularly popular in Buenos Aires, especially during the summer months bringing as little as 1/4 kilo of helado to your door at no extra charge. My local ice cream shop claims to deliver over 350 kilos per day during the peak of the season.