Golden Rules For Healthy Hair And Scalp

In order to have great looking hair and a healthy scalp, you do not have to allocate most of your time to care.

In a few steps you can include in your daily routine, your hair may appear to be clean and beautiful every day.

  1. Start by washing your hair the day

Peter Lux says: “the best way to start the day and take a good shower to cleanse the hair and body thoroughly before leaving the house, I think. Of course you should take care of hair as well. In this way you can make your hair look beautiful every day.”

  1. Listen to the suggestions of the experts

In the last World Congress of Dermatology, 91 percent of the experts surveyed in a brand is an effective anti-dandruff shampoo as recommended. He explained 67 percent using this brand of work.

  1. Your scalp, your skin will look like

The ambassador of famous dermatologist, Dr. Ilyse Lefkowicz, says: “many of us look very carefully into the skin, but it needs maintenance just like our skin, our hair, skin, forget that. However, the scalp, the hair grow on and evolving resource. ”

  1. Pay attention to sensitive scalp

Dr. Rene Rust says: “in the hair, itching, discomfort, especially those that I feel should be careful. It’s the first sign of dandruff because they are.”

  1. Natural is beautiful

Peter Lux says: “I think there is only one secret to look good every day. Clean, touchable, shiny hair. So far the natural beauty of your hair healthy. Aggressive styling techniques so your scalp to stop torture.”

  1. Sleep is important

Be careful in selecting your pillow. Spacious, you should choose cotton fabrics. Treats your scalp and your hair just sensitive fabrics such as allowing them to breathe. Your hair also deserves to be spoiled that much both to your skin.

  1. The way to deal with dandruff

Dr. Rene Rust says: “Dandruff is a recurring problem for a variety of reasons. Kepeklenirs to your hair once in your life means that it has the potential to dandruff. At least ihtiyarlayan up. For this reason, regular hair care is of great importance. Especially when you see the first signs of dandruff, you must act. Good care of your scalp and your hair shampoo do you use every day, which means that the fungus Malassezia in this way you’ll get rid dandruff as well as hair Globos easily.”

  1. Breaks hair

Leave it over night after you wash your hair once in a while. If you urgently need to go out if you don’t time your skin, your hair in this way, you will be dinlendirmis hair.

  1. Remember that your scalp

Peter Lux says: “when you are looking at our hair, our skin, we ignore hair. But I think the hair to ignore our skin, it’s like wearing a gorgeous dress in a terrible shoe. Whatever you do, drops from your eyes.”

  1. Use the right product

Dr. Rene Rust says, “Well, if you are using the right product, you will see the impact in such a short time. For example, some shampoos and hair care products are also maintenance taking care of your skin daily to meet your needs. However, styling techniques and products that will damage your hair and your scalp you must stay away from.”