Good Sauce Ingredients

Most seven layer dips don’t have a meat layer – usually it’s refried beans – but as a nod to my mom, who hates beans, I substitute in taco seasoned ground beef. Growing up, my mom’s seven layer dip never had beans in it, so I’m partial to no beans. But, come to think of it, my mom’s seven layer dip didn’t exactly have 7 layers either, so I’m not sure what exactly I’m nostalgic about. Nostalgia aside, this is my perfect seven layer dip: equally layered proportions of taco meat, guacamole, salsa, sour cream, cheese; and then sliced jalapeños and green onions. Please make these guys for the next party you go to. If you do, I guarantee I’ll be in the corner, hoarding several containers of dip.
1 batch taco beef (or chicken, or pork), cooled
1 batch guacamole
1 jar (15.5 oz) salsa of choice
16 oz sour cream
1 lb shredded cheese (I used a tex-mex blend)
2-3 sliced jalapeños
1 cup sliced green onions
tortilla chips, to serve
In individual cups, layer the ingredients evenly in the following order: taco beef, guacamole, salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, jalapeños, and green onions. Keep in the fridge until party time and then enjoy with tortilla chips!