Grapefruit And Blood Oranges

Staring at the New Zealand section of your local wine shop, you’re likely to see a lot of Sauvignon Blanc and maybe a few wines over $25—and all of them have screw caps instead of corks. Sauvignon Blanc was a popular premiere, but the New Zealand wine industry has released its sophomore album, and it deserves hit status. Featuring Chardonnay, Pinot, Noir, and more, this small island nation’s wines are ready for you to take notice. Today we’ll introduce you to the area and the different types of wines you’ll find coming from New Zealand.

New Zealand is what what we call a ‘new world’ wine region. Old world wines come from places like France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. When you look at bottles from the Old World, you’re more likely to see a place—a country, a region, or a vineyard—than a grape variety on the label. This practice comes from a long tradition of focusing on place rather than grape—and very strict rules about what you’re allowed to grow where.