Grilled Apple Cheddar

It’s a little funny for me to call a grilled cheese brunch food because the truth is, I eat grilled cheeses all. the. time. If I have bread in the house, and I’m hungry, it’s always a toss up between grilled cheese, cinnamon toast, or avocado toast. I have a hard time keeping a supply of avocados on hand (someone –okay, fine it’s me– keeps eating all the avocados before they make it to toast-topping) so it’s usually grilled cheese. Because, grilled cheese.

The other day my mom gave me a bunch of apples she picked out of some random person’s yard (yup, pretty much proves my mom’s a hipster forager) so I put together this little apple cheddar grilled deliciousness. I added some mustard in because mustard and cheese are actually secret BFFs but only when pretzels aren’t around. Gosh, thinking of it, this sandwich would be absolutely amazing on pretzel bread. But, this was really, really good too. The crunch of the apples and the gooeyness of the cheddar with the crisp yet soft butter grilled bread…ugh, writing about it makes me want another one right now. What are you waiting for?! I bet you have apples, cheddar, mustard, and bread in your house right now!