Ground Pepper And Salt

Ideas for evaluating the overlooked parts of vegetables

Benefiting from all parts of autumn-winter vegetables is essential to prevent food waste and is smart for our health and palate.

We are happy to have recently found vegetables whole, from root to leaf. Now, tiny Bugs Bunny carrots are sold with their long green leaves, and celery with stems.

Buy vegetables on the stems, leaves, but separate them when storing because the leaves cause moisture loss. Cleaning root vegetables with a brush instead of using a knife prevents waste.

– Pumpkin: Remove the seeds from the pumpkin and wash in a colander. Mix olive oil, ground pepper and salt and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Use the fibrous fruit part of the pumpkin, which is usually discarded and contains the seeds, for a soft and delicious pumpkin cake after removing the seeds.

– Broccoli: Cook the broccoli with its leaves. Use the handles too. After shaving the outer surface until you remove the excess, grate it. Grated broccoli stems are ideal for a different recipe.

РCarrot: The leaves of the carrot can be slightly bitter. After blanching, that is, boil for 2-3 minutes and shocked in cold water, strain and saut̩ in olive oil.

– Spinach: Sure, spinach root with olive oil!

– Collard: The hard middle veins of black cabbage are usually discarded. However, you can pickle these unused parts quickly.