Having Fun With Garnishes

Having Fun With Garnishes
We’re game for experimenting with cocktails of all sorts, just look in our garden and you’ll see the proof. Our 13 citrus trees are not just for straight eating, friends. Nor are the citrus for visual garden pleasure. There’s a plan and purpose for each citrus tree and the most important use for all the citrus trees are for cocktails!

Cocktail garnishes are something we’re really fascinated by because having a great garnish can really make folks swoon over a cocktail. So although most of the garden is still in it’s Winter hibernation, we were able to find some great little specimens still growing from Summer!
Above: (L) a thin wedge of lime ribboned with a celery leaf. (R) thin, tender stalks of celery with the leaves attached Below: (L) baby carrots for the perfect shot of Bloody Mary! (R) some skewered cherry tomatoes (do you believe we still have tomatoes growing in December??! Although it’s too cold for them to ripen, they’re still exploding)