Healthy Firik Wheat

Firik, which decorates the tables where statesmen and wealthy families host important guests in the Middle East, has recently begun to be known in America and European countries. Reaching the tables after a hard and long journey, firik is consumed in Europe and America due to its health benefits as well as its taste.

known as the granary of the Southeast Anatolia and Turkey’s highest quality durum harvests began to firig made from durum wheat. widely consumed in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey firik, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, dozens of important guests at the table of the rich family that welcomes local and central government officials in Middle Eastern countries such as Tunisia adorn. Firik, which is made of lamb, kid, turkey and chicken meat and pilaf, has become known in countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, France and England due to its benefits for diabetics and children of development. Firik, which has become known in the world due to its taste and health benefits, has begun to be sold in the USA and Europe by important cereal and dry pulses companies.