Healthy Mixed Pickles

Used as a technique to preserve foods in vinegar or salty acidic water, pickle making has been part of the food culture of many societies for thousands of years. Turkey also has an important place in our culture and traditional cuisine from our table without missing pickles, full of healthy and delicious food for the winter months, especially when prepared in suitable conditions. Stating that pickles, which are a good example of fermented foods, have very healthy probiotic properties for the digestive system thanks to the live microorganisms in them, Altınbaş University Gastronomy Department Inst. See. Merve İşeri Uzunoğlu shared the points to be considered for homemade healthy and delicious pickles. “ALL TOOLS SHOULD BE WASHED AND Rinsed”
He said that the beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal and stomach flora regulate digestion and that the pickle helps to regulate the flora of the body with these beneficial bacteria found in abundance.

Uzunoğlu pointed out that the conjugated linoleic acid formed during the making of pickles has cancer-preventing effects in the researches.

“It is very important to stick to the recipes while setting the pickles. Changing the amounts may cause the spread of harmful bacteria as well as spoil the products to be pickled. At the same time, it should be made sure that all the tools and equipment used are clean and there is no food residue. For this, all tools and equipment with hot detergent water. It should be thoroughly washed and rinsed with.