Healty Whites

Millet flour

Flour made from millet (millet), known as the raw material of boza, can be preferred by those looking for gluten-free flour. Millet flour is rich in B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium and protein. It adds a yellowish color and a sweet aroma to breads and doughs. However, if consumed too much, it can affect thyroid secretion and cause hypothyroidism.

Amarant flour

The amaranth flour, which was used by the Aztecs in their kitchens thousands of years ago, is the choice of those in search of healthy flour in recent years. It is produced from a plant known as “cockscomb”. Protein and fiber loaded amaranth flour is a very satisfying flour. It does not contain gluten. It can be used in almost every dough, pasta, and cookies. In order for bread and cakes to rise, it should be mixed with other flours. It can also be used alone in pan breads and doughs that you do not want to rise.

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat is actually a plant from the sorrel family, even though it has the word wheat in its name. It contains high levels of protein, one of the important amino acids lysine, fiber, vitamin B1 and E and minerals. It does not contain gluten. Bran contains oleic acid, which is also found in olive oil, which is beneficial for heart and mental health. It gives good results in pastas and dough that you do not expect to swell too much. Since it will give a very saturated result in cakes, it may be necessary to mix it with a flour such as almond flour and lighten it.