Heating Up Eyelash Curler

If you find that curling your lashes the regular way only keeps them lifted for a short amount of time, try heating up your curler before using it. Just as your curling wand helps your hair hold its shape with heat, so too can your eyelash curler. Just use your blow-dryer to hit your eyelash curler with a blast of hot air. Once heated, allow it to cool slightly, so you don’t burn your eyelids. Then, clamp your lashes as per usual.

Match Lip Colour with Cheeks

Matching your lip colour with your cheeks creates a lovely, coordinated, and natural appearance. To achieve the look without a dual-purpose product, you can easily turn your favourite lip crayon into a cream blush. Just apply some to the back of your hand before using your finger to blend it across your cheeks.

DIY Gel Eyeliner

If you’re ever in desperate need of some gel eyeliner and don’t have time to run to the shops, you can create your own. All you need is a regular kohl eye pencil and a lighter or match. Then, hold the pencil under the flame for one second before allowing it to cool for 15. The consistency of the pencil will change before your eyes as it becomes softer and easier to apply. Your new smudgier, gel eyeliner should now simply and smoothly glide onto your eyes.

Quick Smokey Eye

While a lot of smokey eye looks require several different shades of eyeshadow and a whole lot of blending, there is a fast and easy alternative. Simply use an eye pencil to draw a slanted hashtag above the outer corners of your eyes and blend with a smudger. Doing so will instantly create a killer smokey eye that’s dark and light in all the right places.