Here Is Free Pattern of Yikes Sprites Cardigan

With Cocador you will enjoy to learn knitting patterns which is one more beautiful than the other.

Let’s begin joyfull learning journey with Yikes Sprites Cardigan Free Pattern



9 mos, 12 mos, 24 months (2 yrs)
Finished Chest 19½ (22, 24) in. (49.5 (56, 61) cm)
Finished Length 9½ (10½, 11½) in. (24 (26.5, 29.5) cm)
Note: Pattern is written for smallest size with changes for larger sizes in parentheses. When only one number
is given, it applies to all sizes. To follow pattern more easily, circle all numbers pertaining to your size before


• 860-123 Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice: Beige
1 (1,2) Ball (A)
• 860-108 Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice: Dusty
1 (1,2) Ball (B)
• 860-110 Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice: Navy
1 (1,2) Ball (C)
• Lion Brand Knitting Needles- Size 9 [5.5 mm]
• Lion Brand Knitting Needles – Size 10 [6 mm]
• Lion Brand Stitch Markers
• Lion Brand Stitch Holders
• Large-Eye Blunt Needles (Set of 6)
• Additional Materials
4 buttons, 1 in. (25 mm) diameter


15 sts + 32 rows = 4 in. (10 cm) in Garter st (knit every row). BE SURE TO CHECK
YOUR GAUGE. When you match the gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size
specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it
takes you less stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 cm] square, try using a smaller
size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.



K1, p1 Rib (uneven # of sts)
Row 1 (WS): P1, *k1, p1; rep from *.
Row 2: K the knit sts and p the purl sts.
Rep Row 2 for k1, p1 Rib.

2 rows A, 2 rows B, 2 rows C, *4 rows A, 4 rows B, 4 rows C; rep from * for color sequence.



With smaller needles and A, cast on 37 (41, 45) sts.
Work 1 row in k1, p1 Rib.
Change to B and work 2 rows in k1, p1 Rib.
Free Knitting Pattern: Vanna’s Choice Yikes Stripes Cardigan Page 2 of 5
Change to C and work 2 rows in k1, p1 Rib.
Change to larger needles and A, work 4 rows in Garter st.
Change to B and work 4 rows in Garter st.
Change to C and work 4 rows in Garter st.
Continue working Color Sequence until Back measures 9½
(10½, 11½) in. (24 (26.5, 29) cm) from beg. Bind off.


Pocket Lining (make 2)

With larger needles and C, cast on 11 sts. Work in Garter
st for 2 in. (5 cm). Transfer sts to a holder.



With smaller needles and A, cast on 23 (25, 27) sts.
Work in k1, p1 Rib and Color Sequence as for Back.
Change to larger needles and work in Garter st and Color
Sequence as for Back until Left Front measures 3 in. (7.5
cm) from beg, end with a WS row.

Pocket Welt
Continue in Color Sequence as for Back.
Next Row (RS): K6 (7, 8) sts, p1, (k1, p1) 5 times, k6 (7,
Next Row: K6 (7, 8) sts, k1, (p1, k1) 5 times, k6 (7, 8).
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Next Row: K6 (7, 8) sts, bind off 11 sts, k to end.
Next Row: K6 (7, 8) sts, knit 11 sts of one Pocket Lining,
k to end of row.
Work even until Left Front measures 7½ (8½, 9½) in. (19
(21.5, 24) cm), end with a RS row.

Neck Shaping
Next Row (WS): Bind off 5 (6, 7) sts, k to end of row –
18 (19, 20) sts.
Decrease 1 st at neck edge every row 6 times – 12 (13,
14) sts. Work even until Left Front measures 9½ (10½,
11½) in. (24.5 (26.5, 29) cm) from beg. Bind off. Mark
placement for 4 buttons: with first button just above
ribbing, top button½ in. (1.5 cm) below neck shaping, and
2 evenly spaced between.


Work as for Left Front, reversing all shaping, AT THE SAME
TIME, work buttonholes opposite markers on RS rows as
Buttonhole Row (RS): K2, k 2 sts together, yarn over, k
to end of row.


SLEEVE (make 2)

With smaller needles and A, cast on 23 (25, 27) sts.
Work in k1, p1 Rib and Color Sequence as for Back.
Change to larger needles and work in Garter st and Color
Sequence as for Back, increasing 1 st each end of every
8th row 6 times – 35 (37, 39) sts. Work even until Sleeve
measures 8 (8½, 9) in. (20.5 (21.5, 23) cm) from beg.
Bind off.



Sew shoulder seams.

From RS with smaller needles and C, pick up and k 19 (20, 21) sts along Right Front neck edge, 15 (17, 17)
sts across Back neck, and 19 (20, 21) along Left Front neck edge – 53 (57, 59) sts.
Work 1 row in k1, p1 Rib.
Change to B and work 2 rows in k1, p1 Rib.
Change to C and work 1 row in k1, p1 Rib. With C, bind off.

Left Front Edging
From RS with smaller needles and A, pick up and k 4 sts along side of neckband, pick up and k 1 st in each
ridge of Garter st, and 4 sts along bottom ribbing. Bind off.

Right Front Edging
From RS with smaller needles and A, pick up and k 4 sts along bottom ribbing, pick up and k 1 st in each
ridge of Garter st, and 4 sts along side of neckband. Bind off.
Sew Pocket Linings to WS of Fronts. Sew Sleeves to body. Sew side and Sleeve seams. Weave in ends. Sew
buttons opposite buttonholes.