Home Remedies To Heal Pimples During Pregnancy Naturally

You are awaiting the most beautiful moment of your life—giving birth to your precious baby! It is a wonderful experience, but it brings with it many internal as well as external changes. While some of these changes are OK to deal with, a rather unwelcome external change is pregnancy pimples or acne. This article is for all you would-be mothers looking for safe home remedies to get rid of your acne. Keep reading to know more!

The acne you developed as a teenager is very different from those that spring up during pregnancy. There are a plethora of hormonal and physical changes happening in your body during this period. Sometimes, these changes can cause acne as a side-effect. One in every two women suffers from varying levels of acne during pregnancy. While many experience mild pimples, few undergo much more complex problems. Those with a history of pimples and acne will be more prone to developing pimples during this period.

In these circumstances, you look for simple yet safe solutions for your acne, as you do not want to harm your baby in any way. We are here to help you in smoothening out your journey as a would-be mother with tried and tested remedies for pimples during pregnancy.

But, firstly, let us understand the underlying cause.

Causes Of Pimples (Acne) During Pregnancy


Well, hormones are usually the leading cause of pimples and acne. First of all, adolescent years brings with it a few hormonal imbalances resulting in pimples. Similarly, when a woman is expecting a baby, she experiences hormonal changes, and this causes acne. Progesterone and estrogen are the main hormones responsible for this.

Pimples or acne happen during the first trimester which usually disappears within the third trimester. This is because the body undergoes most hormonal changes in the first trimester. If you do not get pimples in the first trimester, it is very rare that you will get them in the next two trimesters.

Acne and pimples on the face during pregnancy can really drive people crazy. Those with a history of acne will encounter this problem quite naturally. So if you are expecting a baby and experiencing pimple breakouts often, here are some quick home remedies which are easy to use on a regular basis, so it won’t affect your baby too in any way.