How Sunscreen Should Be Chosen? How Much Should Be Used?

Research reveals that many of us we don’t know to use sunscreen. As one of the most important factors in the rise of skin cancer in recent years, the harmful rays of the sun are shown, and medical aesthetic dentist Dr. Kamali is very important who said that protection from these rays, sun, sunscreen, why we should use it, and correct usage patterns has 5 listed in the ingredients.

Sunscreen and SPF UV

From the beginning most of the external factors that are damaging to the skin, the sun, the ozone layer is thinner and more damaging UVA transmittance is increased. There are two wavelengths of the sun’s UVA and UVB. At the top of the solar Guard, which means sun protection factor SPF (sun protection factor) value against UVB korunaklig shows. Sun protector sunscreen is protected against UVA prefer while indicating that it should be preferred. Long wavelength UVA affect the deeper layers of the skin. So noble is the wavelength aging. So fotoaging is responsible for. Premature aging and is responsible for wrinkle formation. Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. Shorter wavelength UVB is. Because it is effective in the surface layers of the skin is responsible for the formation of burns and stains. Although it had declined during the winter season, UVA rays are just as continues. Summer and winter the sun so we should. Because UVA rays can pass through clouds, glass and even the sun in the house, we recommend the use of the protector.

Depending on the structure of the skin, sunscreen selection varies

Sun-sensitive skin: should not be exposed to direct Sun. Against the sun the sensitivity of a particular era that emerged in innate or life can be a problem. Some medical treatments can temporarily trigger sensitivity to the sun. For reactions of the emitted radiation of the sun’s rays, which are caused very high protection against UVA and UVB sunscreen should be preferred.


Filter chemical which reacts against the skin: this skin type should use mineral sunscreens for people who have filtered. These sunscreens with mineral filter, since it may leave white marks on the skin, but it is temporary.


Sun allergy skin: recently, shows an increase allergic to the sun. Skin structure varies depending on the duration of exposure, and although everyone is a condition that can be seen. Sun allergy is a very serious problem, although the quality of life decreases. Sun allergy symptoms of redness, blisters and intense itching sensation causes. The best method that can be taken for sun allergies that provides protection from sunburn is to use sunscreen because sprektrum wide UVB rays while protecting the skin, allergic skin against UVA rays reaksyion protects. 1:1 (SPF/UVA) rate, it is important to provide a strong protection; sunscreen protection against UVA and UVB rays showed he asserts that this statement equally. (SPF 50+/ UVA 50)

Should be applied to the skin at least 20 minutes before

When choosing sunscreen for your skin, you should choose out of these creams and creams before you have to put at least 20 minutes. Going to the beach after the expulsion effectiveness is much reduced. Exposed to a sufficient amount quantity should be spread enough so that the region should be used. After using the cream should be repeated two or three hours.

Put sunscreen should be how much?

Using sunscreen when we did the other is incorrect, just because it’s less drive to end immediately. However, if applied in sufficient quantities, sunscreens, SPF values on them they don’t show. For example, at least half a teaspoon of sunscreen should be applied to the facial area. Less Cream SPF 50 SPF application value of 2.7% in a will lead to impact. Therefore, all sun creams in ‘apply liberally’ writes. Repeating intervals are sufficient with the application leads to the same result.


If you want to show the effect of sunscreen more than half a teaspoon of the face and neck, chest, arms, thighs, and you must apply with your legs more than a teaspoon full.

Risky to stay in the sun for a long time!

In the summer hours are between 09.00-16.00 11.00 p.m. after or between light-skinned people; 10 minutes later, 20 minutes a day for the first two days, dark skins; 20 minutes for the first two days, a day later, 30 minutes can soak up the sun without any sun protection. Many years of epidermoid cancer cell or basal cell profession under the sun, and the rest tight, and who has seen the sun this cancer of the body, head, neck, and limbs often in other regions is scarce. 5 times more serious than the formation of sunburn, especially in children, increases the risk of malignant melanoma. As a result serious to the sun malignant melanoma in adults increases the risk of skin burns. But normal sun, no effect on the risk of melanoma was observed. Suitable for a sun above no risk of cancer in the period style, even the tour due to vitamin D synthesis is a measure against cancer. However, it is risky for them to stay in the sun for too long.