How To Apply Eye Make Up Correctly

Waxing or using a rope

  • When removing your eyebrows, choose tweezers instead of waxing or using a rope. This is the best method as you only pull one hair root at a time with tweezers. When it comes to eyebrows, each hair is important and affects the shape of your eyebrow. Waxing can get more eyebrows than it should, and also stretches the sensitive skin around your eyebrow. Using a rope pulls your eyebrows in all directions, not in one direction, so the hairs can break or become sunken.

Be careful when using scissors

  • Using scissors often causes you to trim your eyebrow too much. The correct way to use scissors is to comb your eyebrows and remove the excess parts. You also need to pay attention to getting your eyebrows equal.

Do not overdo the thick flow stream!

  • Of course, everyone wants fuller and whole-looking eyebrows. But many of us are missing the line between too many eyebrows and natural looking full eyebrows. Overpainting your eyebrows draws attention away from your face, on your eyebrows and looks artificial. A pencil one shade darker than the normal color of your eyebrows will do the trick. This will make your eyebrows look fuller and reveal your eyes.

Get a good eyebrow pencil

  • A beautiful eyebrow pencil will perfectly complement the natural brow look. A more realistic or natural looking eyebrow pencil will make your eyebrow look much more beautiful.

Do not apply any products to your eyebrows.

  • Avoid using products such as lotion, gel, sunscreen, foundation or moisturizer on your brow area. These products may cause your eyebrows to fall out or prevent their growth. We always think of our eyebrows as a part of our skin, but we have to think of that area as a hair. Do not rub what you do not put on your hair on your eyebrows.

Be careful to use the correct mirror

  • Avoid mirrors that look too big, as these mirrors always cause you to lose perspective and you get more of your eyebrows.